Where to find my pots...

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rainy and Smoke Free Days

It has been nice to get some rain for our garden and it has helped with the 190,000 acre plus fire in the Moose Refuge to our north. Although stil not out, the smoke has abated from our area and the burn is suppressed quite a bit.

Well the ware cart is filling up by the day. Each day I try to put two to three hours on making pots. I am focusing on the bowls and bugs with the occasional large urn/storage vessel and some casserole dish. Every piece I make I am trying to think of the end result; whether it by wood fired or raku.

Meanwhile, the studio continues to chug along. I have a wall framed and I am waiting for the electrician before I can wire the wall. As crazy as it seems, I am working one wall at a time. I am working my way around the space moving things as I go along. Not an easy task. Also, form fitting the studs to the panabode construction has some trick spots that need to be thought out.